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Life Cycle Assessment, Gestão de Riscos e Monitoramento de Stks

Life Cycle Assessment, Risk Management and Monitoring of Stakeholders

É uma técnica de análise que permite avaliar os impactos ambientais associados a todas as fases da vida de um produto ou serviço (Muralikrishna e Manickam 2017), desde a obtenção de matérias primas até o seu descarte. A quantificação dos impactos por fase, permite identificar as áreas onde as empresas devem concentrar esforços para economizar recursos naturais, entre eles a água, e diminuir a emissão de gases de efeito estufa, entre outras questões.

Entenda por que as empresas querem descobrir quem são seus influenciadores internos

Understand why companies want to find out who are their internal influencers

Check here the interview of Tree Intelligence CEO, Ignacio García, for the business website, addressing the importance of mapping informal collaboration networks to identify who are the real influencers within organizations, how teams are organized to carry out their tasks and how informal communication flows across the company.

ROCHE – Open Innovation Hub

ROCHE – Open Innovation Hub

In October and November 2019, Tree Intelligence conducted the Open Innovation Hub, the first structured open innovation program designed for managers and executives at Roche, the giant global pharmaceutical industry.

Welcome Tomorrow – Rede de Influenciadores

Welcome Tomorrow - Influencers Network

CHALLENGE: Map and indicate for the Welcome Tomorrow, a reference event in mobility and time management in Latin America, the relevant multi-stakeholder digital influencers for the meeting to gain broad visibility and repercussion.


With certified analysts and partners in various countries, our offices are located in:

São Paulo - Brazil

+55 11 96186-7935

Rua Mourato Coelho, 957

Vila Madalena

Miami - USA

+1 (305) 400-1529

777 Brickell Ave

Miami, FL 33131


Buenos Aires - Argentina

+ 54 11 6438 1196

Av. Juan Bautista Alberdi 1310



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