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Entenda por que as empresas querem descobrir quem são seus influenciadores internos

Understand why companies want to find out who are their internal influencers

Check here the interview of Tree Intelligence CEO, Ignacio García, for the business website, addressing the importance of mapping informal collaboration networks to identify who are the real influencers within organizations, how teams are organized to carry out their tasks and how informal communication flows across the company.



     O que é NETNOGRAFIA?   A Tree Intelligence define Netnografia (interNET & etNOGRAFIA ) como um enfoque qualitativo, quantitativo e exploratório que analisa os fluxos narrativos de consumidores / stakeholders / influenciadores / organizações no...
Natura Tododia – Campanha Verão

Natura Everyday – Summer Campaign

CHALLENGE: The launch of a new line should strengthen the movement led by the brand to value the beauty and self-esteem of women. But in order for the campaign to be genuine, it was essential to bring in influential advocates.

Redes de influência

Influence networks

In the hyperconnected era, influencers make use of different web platforms to disseminate information, knowledge and opinions on specific topics. Currently there is no single channel of communication, but also the same actor can share ideas ...


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